Thursday, January 27, 2011

Australia Day

Hot Hot Hot! Some of us joined with the St Andrewans for the BBQ organised by Rev Andrew and had a very non-strenuous day over drinks, laughs chat and food under the gum trees. Watering the garden beds has been a major job this week. Ros attacked the weeds which have grown along the fence, the beds were re-mulched and watering watering watering - emptying the tanks then using the mains water. Annie got the hose going when she arrived for the BBQ yesterday and kept relocating it during the day. Judy finished off during the evening. Pius, Doris and Amara invited themselves to the party. Doris' hair has been plaited into short little "caterpillar" shaped curlies with a bead on the end of each. Looks really lovely. Back to school for the two older ones next week. In the meantime Pius is asking again for their garden to be refreshed - gardens are teaching them patience and doing things in season. Pius's other concern was when would the chocolate be ready to eat. A really good day, simple pleasures with a bunch of lively and interesting people. The 39 Deg heat didn't bother us as it was low humidity, about 40%, unlike the usual 65 - 85%.
St Andrew's will arrange for the making and hanging of a sign to advertise the garden. The sign will be metal and match their current signage. Also we were given a an idea about the fence. One of the visitors had "commissioned" the painting of a fence along their boundary with a design of native flora and fauna. This has discouraged the "irregular out-door artists" who no longer spray meaningless rubbish and rude words. The iron fence next to our garden could disappear under appropriate images and a talk to my Rotary club may help with funds. Local community projects,  which in this case would support a local youth group,  is  the kind of thing we do often. The cost would not be huge - several hundreds of dollars for paint and providing food and drinks.    MMmmhhhh - will follow that up.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Just some weeding and watering

Annie Chris and Heidi

Ros found ALL the Farmers Friend and prickles

Judy and Ros

Some of the flowers in Judy's Rockery Mixture

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Picnic bench for the garden
Ordered it today from Access Industries, will take a couple of weeks to make. Some muscle will be needed on the day of delivery to take it off the truck and push it into place.  The set will be painted in the standard colourbond colour of Gull Grey, which is pale and silvery and cool to sit on.   Placemaking celebration/event getting closer.