Thursday, February 10, 2011

Placemaking and Facebook

Friends have been spammed in the nicest possible way with variations of the message

"You are invited to drop in to the garden at 31A Church Street from 5pm onwards until after dusk for a sausage sizzle and maybe pancakes, on March 8th, a Tuesday. It's Pancake Day and we are inviting friends to our Place at 31A Church Street for an initial Placemaking celebration. Just let us know if you are coming so we have enough sausages on the grill - vegetarians catered for too."

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pancake Day, Placemaking Celebrations and our Nearly-First-Birthday Party

Tuesday March 8th is the day. The celebrations start at around 5pm and go on until sunset, which is at about 7.20pm. The St Andrew's mob will be making Pancakes as it is Pancake Day, the gardeners will have a Sausage Sizzle (vegetarians catered for) and we will also have a birthday cake. There MAY be some seedlings ready to plant. The hot weather is not a good time to get seeds sprouted and surviving. There will be some Sweet Pea seeds to go in as well as Crimson-Flowered Broad Beans and Climbing Peas. Some music, and maybe Annie can teach us some Circle Dances.
Have bought some Wiltshire Ripple Sweet Peas - they look like the Plum Ripple icecream we used to buy when we lived in Peterborough South Australia. A company called Golden North at Laura in the mid-North of SA made itAlso bought Dwarf Pink and Climbing Blue Sweet Peas.
The fence bordering the garden is your average mix of no-colour Colorbond, another style of metal and a green thing. We have designs on it - literally and are following up a possibility of having it properly graffiti painted with a design of plants trees and so on.
And, there's more. On Friday Hune 3rd there will be a Trivia Night in the St Andrew's hall organised by the Kooragang Volunteers. Starts at 6pm, cheap entry fee, fun night, some nibbles and drinks provided, BYO  your own as well,  decent if not sumptuous prizes. Individuals who don't have a team will soon find a spot in one.