Principal Alan and his off-sider worked like troupers and got on the base coat of green at the bottom and blue at the top. The students will paint the eucalypt bushland on it next week after the rain has stopped and the wall has dried out again |
Gosh, reading the last couple of posts I sound a bit whiny about being busy - better than being bored!
In a rush of blood to the head we put in a Volunteer Grants application for equipment suitable for people with mobility problems or using a wheelchair. Of all the community gardens I've visited, not many have much to offer people with disabilities for ACTIVE participation versus passively enjoying a nice place. Ours is like that but it is very new so we have to work towards change. Each physical challenge has its own specific needs. People talking together using sign languages need a wider path than someone in a wheel chair as they are looking at each others face and hands and must walk side by side. Had a very good day a couple of years ago with people with low or no vision at the Newcastle City Council's Greening Centre in a propagation and general gardening day. Some had been blind from birth, others had various degrees of vision acquired later in life. The word disability should be used very very seldom. Say, "This is the question, let's work out the answer" and "disability" disappears. The most important thing to do is ask the person with the "disability" what is the answer. Teeny teeny things can be a barrier and often all that is needed is just an equally teeny teeny bit of forethought and the problem evaporates. A garden which has no barriers is a better garden for everyone.