Now for the fascinating part of Saturday.
Pre-16th century life came to Mayfield with the arrival of the Heralds, Knights, Ladies and a serf or two of - Society for Creative Anachronism. A day of Foot Combat on the lawn, then a mediaeval feast in the hall. The winners of the day's combat would become the King and Queen for the next six months.
Here is the Herald and a Knight. The Herald graciously performed his role and explained much about the day and the group. Giving contemporary reality to the study and re-creation of dress, food, history, music, art, and much more, of a past era.
This Knight's French pattern armour was new and needed some re-adjustment on a lump of railway track. Most adopt western European costume, but some take on Mongol and Samurai dress. Chain-mail is still the expensive luxury it was in the 12C, so making your own is an option. One man took two months on train trips and in Uni lectures to make a chain-mail shirt down to his wrists and knees.