Too busy, too everything, been away then had some other obligations over Easter and the following weekend, so now for a little restful blurbing. We had a couple of weeks in Perth and boy, are we so fortunate to have the rainfall we get. The West Australians were, and still are, fed up with day after day after day after day of "fine sunny day" weather forecasts and were beginning to plead with TV and radio presenters to stop saying those hated words - please!! There are Community Gardens in WA but they must be heartbreaking if not impossible to maintain with 10 minutes of watering allowed on two days a week. Didn't get to see any as we were too involved with other places and people.
Last Saturday we planted many many Purple King cabbage seedlings, cauliflower, two kinds of Kale, ranunculus and peas. The neighbour has moved out and is renting his house, so he told us the pumpkins spilling over the fence are ours for the taking - genuine Queensland Blue. New recruit Peter headed home with a nice big one tucked under his arm.