Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Spring babies

Not R-e-ally community garden, but how can you not go gooey at the sight of these. Port Waratah rang as they were having to move machinery which had swallow nests attached, with eggs. When they actually came to removing them and transporting them to me, one lot was in the process of hatching, there was a group which were clearly much more advanced, and eggs which are now in the jury -rigged incubator.
This is the second "Noisy Myna" chick for rescue but NPWS are wrong, it's a Little Wattle bird.The first one, Buddha Bird,  is about to join an older one in another carer's aviary and keep learning how to be a NM before being buddied with others to form a new troupe for release
Just hatched swallow chicks, eating with the help of a toothpick loaded with an insectivore mix.
The "Dream Pot" slow cooker has been a lifesaver
Older swallow chicks are eating very well.and often, feed one end and you won't believe the size of what comes out the other, birds are messy critters