Monday, October 18, 2010

Fair day at St Andrews October 16th

The medieval dancers and Annie's circle dancers combined later and swapped steps and music.

The belly dancers performing "The Volcano"

Carol was quietly and efficiently busy all day flitting around like a beautiful purple butterfly

The wind blew cold and fast all day

Andrew as Court Jester from Mongolia????
It was a very cold and windy day and most people stayed warm in the hall. The SCA medievalists bravely stuck it out until just after midday.Despite all of the weather problems, and maybe the takings for the church was down on what they hoped, it was a lovely friendly atmosphere and people who came enjoyed themselves. A group of young teenagers dressed in full Punk gear with trio spiked hair and plenty of metal bought soft toys, Pius, Doris and Mabelle overspent their budget a bit and were treated by the gardeners and others to Chocolate Fountain marshmallows - and more.